INLG 2024

September 23 - 27, 2024 @ Tokyo, Japan

Accepted Papers

Long Papers

  • Evaluating RDF-to-text Generation Models for English and Russian on Out Of Domain Data
    Anna Nikiforovskaya and Claire Gardent
  • Resilience through Scene Context in Visual Referring Expression Generation
    Simeon Junker and Sina Zarrieß
  • The Gricean Maxims in NLP - A Survey
    Lea Krause and Piek T.J.M. Vossen
  • Automatic Metrics in Natural Language Generation: A survey of Current Evaluation Practices
    Patricia Schmidtova, Saad Mahamood, Simone Balloccu, Ondrej Dusek, Albert Gatt, Dimitra Gkatzia, David M. Howcroft, Ondrej Platek and Adarsa Sivaprasad
  • Differences in Semantic Errors Made by Different Types of Data-to-text Systems
    Rudali Huidrom, Michela Lorandi and Anya Belz
  • Automatically Generating IsiZulu Words From Indo-Arabic Numerals
    Zola Mahlaza, Tadiwa Magwenzi, C. Maria Keet and Langa Khumalo
  • CADGE: Context-Aware Dialogue Generation Enhanced with Graph-Structured Knowledge Aggregation
    Chen Tang, Hongbo Zhang, Tyler Loakman, Bohao Yang, Stefan Goetze and Chenghua Lin
  • Towards Fine-Grained Citation Evaluation in Generated Text: A Comparative Analysis of Faithfulness Metrics
    Weijia Zhang, Mohammad Aliannejadi, Yifei Yuan, Jiahuan Pei, JIA-HONG HUANG and Evangelos Kanoulas
  • Zooming in on Zero-Shot Intent-Guided and Grounded Document Generation using LLMs
    Pritika Ramu, Pranshu Gaur, Rishita Emandi, Himanshu Maheshwari, Danish Javed and Aparna Garimella
  • Noisy Pairing and Partial Supervision for Opinion Summarization
    Hayate Iso, Xiaolan Wang and Yoshi Suhara
  • Communicating Uncertainty in Explanations of the Outcomes of Machine Learning Models
    Ingrid Zukerman and Sameen Maruf
  • AMERICANO: Argument Generation with Discourse-driven Decomposition and Agent Interaction
    Zhe Hu, Hou Pong Chan and Yu Yin
  • Generating Simple, Conservative and Unifying Explanations for Logistic Regression Models
    Sameen Maruf, Ingrid Zukerman, Xuelin Situ, Cecile Paris and Gholamreza Haffari
  • Is Machine Psychology here? On Requirements for Using Human Psychological Tests on Large Language Models
    Lea Löhn, Niklas Kiehne, Alexander Ljapunov and Wolf-Tilo Balke
  • Enhancing Editorial Tasks: A Case Study on Rewriting Customer Help Page Contents Using Large Language Models
    Aleksandra Gabryszak, Daniel Röder, Arne Binder, Luca Sion and Leonhard Hennig
  • Referring Expression Generation in Visually Grounded Dialogue with Discourse-aware Comprehension Guiding
    Bram Willemsen and Gabriel Skantze
  • Multilingual Text Style Transfer: Datasets & Models for Indian Languages
    Sourabrata Mukherjee, Atul Kr. Ojha, Akanksha Bansal, Deepak Alok, John P. McCrae and Ondrej Dusek
  • AutoTemplate: A Simple Recipe for Lexically Constrained Text Generation
    Hayate Iso
  • Context-aware Visual Storytelling with Visual Prefix Tuning and Contrastive Learning
    Yingjin Song, Denis Paperno and Albert Gatt
  • CEval: A Benchmark for Evaluating Counterfactual Text Generation
    Van Bach Nguyen, Christin Seifert and Jörg Schlötterer
  • Extractive Summarization via Fine-grained Semantic Tuple Extraction
    Yubin Ge, Sullam Jeoung and Jana Diesner
  • Should We Fine-Tune or RAG? Evaluating Different Techniques to Adapt LLMs for Dialogue
    Simone Alghisi, Massimo Rizzoli, Gabriel Roccabruna, Seyed Mahed Mousavi and Giuseppe Riccardi
  • The Unreasonable Ineffectiveness of Nucleus Sampling on Mitigating Text Memorization
    Luka Borec, Philipp Sadler and David Schlangen
  • Towards Effective Long Conversation Generation with Dynamic Topic Tracking and Recommendation
    Trevor Ashby, Adithya Kulkarni, Jingyuan Qi, Minqian Liu, Eunah Cho, Vaibhav Kumar and Lifu Huang
  • Explainability Meets Text Summarization: A Survey
    Mahdi Dhaini, Ege Erdogan, Smarth Bakshi and Gjergji Kasneci
  • Generating Faithful and Salient Text from Multimodal Data
    Tahsina Hashem, Weiqing Wang, Derry Tanti Wijaya, Mohammed Eunus Ali and Yuan-Fang Li
  • Generating from AMRs into High and Low-Resource Languages using Phylogenetic Knowledge and Hierarchical QLoRA Training (HQL)
    William Eduardo Soto Martinez, Yannick Parmentier and Claire Gardent
  • Quantifying Memorization and Detecting Training Data of Pre-trained Language Models using Japanese Newspaper
    Shotaro Ishihara and Hiromu Takahashi
  • COSTA: A Computational Framework for Sign-to-Sign Translation & Alignment Enhanced with LLMs
    Mert Inan, Yang Zhong, Vidya Ganesh and Malihe Alikhani
  • Text2Traj2Text: Learning-by-Synthesis Framework for Contextual Captioning of Human Movement Trajectories
    Hikaru Asano, Ryo Yonetani, Taiki Sekii and Hiroki Ouchi
  • n-gram F-score for Evaluating Grammatical Error Correction
    Shota Koyama, Ryo Nagata, Hiroya Takamura and Naoaki Okazaki
  • Generating Attractive Ad Text by Facilitating the Reuse of Landing Page Expressions
    Hidetaka Kamigaito, Soichiro Murakami, Peinan Zhang, Hiroya Takamura and Manabu Okumura
  • Investigating Paraphrase Generation as a Data Augmentation Strategy for Low-Resource AMR-to-Text Generation
    Marco Antonio Sobrevilla Cabezudo, Marcio Lima Inacio and Thiago Alexandre Salgueiro Pardo
  • Automating True-False Multiple-Choice Question Generation and Evaluation with Retrieval-based Accuracy Differential
    Chen-Jui Yu, Wen Hung Lee, LIN TSE KE, Shih-Wei Guo and Yao-Chung Fan
  • A Comprehensive Analysis of Memorization in Large Language Models
    Hirokazu Kiyomaru, Issa Sugiura, Daisuke Kawahara and Sadao Kurohashi

Short Papers

  • Audio-visual training for improved grounding in video-text LLMs
    Shivprasad Rajendra Sagare, Hemachandran S, Kinshuk Sarabhai, Prashant Ullegaddi and Rajeshkumar SA
  • Forecasting Implicit Emotions Elicited in Conversations
    Yurie Koga, Shunsuke Kando and Yusuke Miyao
  • German Voter Personas Can Radicalize LLM Chatbots via the Echo Chamber Effect
    Maximilian Bleick, Nils Feldhus, Aljoscha Burchardt and Sebastian Möller
  • Enhancing Presentation Slide Generation by LLMs with a Multi-Staged End-to-End Approach
    Sambaran Bandyopadhyay, Himanshu Maheshwari, Anandhavelu Natarajan and Apoorv Saxena
  • (Mostly) Automatic Experiment Execution for Human Evaluations of NLP Systems
    Craig Thomson and Anya Belz
  • Customizing Large Language Model Generation Style using Parameter-Efficient Finetuning
    Xinyue Liu, Harshita Diddee and Daphne Ippolito
  • Are Large Language Models Actually Good at Text Style Transfer?
    Sourabrata Mukherjee, Atul Kr. Ojha and Ondrej Dusek
  • LLM Neologism: Emergence of Mutated Characters due to Byte Encoding
    Ran Iwamoto and Hiroshi Kanayama
  • Entity-aware Multi-task Training Helps Rare Word Machine Translation
    Matiss Rikters and Makoto Miwa
  • Exploring the impact of data representation on neural data-to-text generation
    David M. Howcroft, Lewis N. Watson, Olesia Nedopas and Dimitra Gkatzia
  • Personalized Cloze Test Generation with Large Language Models: Streamlining MCQ Development and Enhancing Adaptive Learning
    Chih-Hsuan Shen, Yi-Li Kuo and Yao-Chung Fan
  • Pipeline Neural Data-to-text with Large Language Models.
    Chinonso Cynthia Osuji, Brian Timoney, Thiago Castro Ferreira and Brian Davis
  • ANONYMOUS SDK: A High-Level and Standardized Toolkit for AI Assets
    Shreyas Sharma, Lucas Pavanelli, Thiago Castro Ferreira, Mohamed Al-Badrashiny and Hassan Sawaf
  • Leveraging Large Language Models for Building Interpretable Rule-Based Data-to-Text Systems
    Jędrzej Warczyński, Mateusz Lango and Ondrej Dusek
  • Transfer-Learning based on Extract, Paraphrase and Compress Models for Neural Abstractive Multi-Document Summarization
    Yllias Chali and Elozino Egonmwan
  • Generating Hotel Highlights from Unstructured Text using LLMs
    Srinivas Ramesh Kamath, Fahime Same and Saad Mahamood
  • Reduction-Synthesis: Plug-and-Play for Sentiment Style Transfer
    Sheng Xu, Fumiyo Fukumoto and Yoshimi Suzuki
  • Leveraging Plug-and-Play Models for Rhetorical Structure Control in Text Generation
    Yuka Yokogawa, Tatsuya Ishigaki, Yusuke Miyao, Hiroya Takamura and Ichiro Kobayashi
  • Zero-shot cross-lingual transfer in instruction tuning of large language models
    Nadezhda Chirkova and Vassilina Nikoulina

Demo Papers

  • MTSwitch: A System for Translation between Molecules and Texts
    Nijia Han, Zimu Wang, Yuqi Wang, Haiyang Zhang, Daiyun Huang and Wei Wang
  • factgenie: A Framework for Span-based Evaluation of Generated Texts by Humans and LLMs
    Zdeněk Kasner, Ondrej Platek, Patricia Schmidtova, Simone Balloccu and Ondrej Dusek
  • VideoRAG: Scaling the context size and relevance for video question-answering
    Shivprasad Rajendra Sagare, Prashant Ullegaddi, Nachiketh K S, Navanith R, Kinshuk Sarabhai and Rajesh Kumar S A
  • Filling Gaps in Wikipedia: Leveraging Data-to-Text Generation to Improve Encyclopedic Coverage of Underrepresented Groups
    Simon Mille, Massimiliano Pronesti, Craig Thomson, Michela Lorandi, Sophie Fitzpatrick, Rudali Huidrom, Mohammed Sabry, Amy O'Riordan and Anya Belz
  • Be My Mate: Simulating Virtual Students for collaboration using Large Language Models
    Sergi Solera-Monforte, Pablo Arnau-González and Miguel Arevalillo-Herráez
  • QCET: An Interactive Taxonomy of Quality Criteria for Comparable and Repeatable Evaluation of NLP Systems
    Anya Belz, Simon Mille, Craig Thomson and Rudali Huidrom